Nano and Nexty: are they a real and practical alternative to cash? Let’s find out!
Blockchain is no longer a fashionable conversation of computer fans! Bitcoin has revolutionized the way many of us view currencies, ledgers, electronic transfers and transactions. The great thing about all the virtual currencies is that almost all of them are trying to solve the problem. And here comes our currency of interest – Nexty. In the process of writing, the likeness of the Nexty platform will be compared to the likeness of Nano-XRB to better understand this platform.
Simply put, the Nexty platform is advertised as a transaction system that eliminates the concept of transaction fees while providing super-fast translations to make users easier. In addition, transfers are made very quickly because transactions do not require miners to confirm, as in the case of other virtual currencies such as bitcoins, etc.
However, according to an official document from Nexty’s creators, Nexty is primarily used for newly established e-commerce businesses to help mobilize government funding. Without transactions, superfast transmission (2 seconds! and it’s almost real-time) and the confirmation fee fundraising becomes less troublesome. The coin is surgically aimed at e-commerce stores as it will contribute to the development of an ecosystem in which these stores accept NTY coins from customers.
The NTY concept is to make everyday online transactions convenient. The NTY team consists of Blockchain developers and well-known marketers. Some team members have ten to twelve years of full-cycle development and marketing experience.

Some of you might argue that Nano – formerly known as Railblocks, XRB – already performs the same functions as NTY. The XRB coin is a little unique in that it uses its own blockchain data structures. For this reason, each Nano account has its own blockchain, which reduces the delay for quick transfer. In addition, XRB is energy efficient and resource efficient and does not require a high-performance GPU system for transactions. However, Nano does not have a smart contract function. Smart contracts allow you to trade triggers on any cryptocurrency. These contracts assist in the exchange of cash, real estate, shares or any tangible or intangible objects of financial value. Smart contracts also eliminate the need for brokers, as they perfectly exchange our cryptocurrency for assets. In addition to this single difference, NTV and XRB (Nano) are more or less the same. Another important feature of the Nexty platform is integration with existing e-commerce applications such as Joomla. According to the developers of NTY, integration takes up to 3-4 hours.
To achieve a balance between supply and demand on NTY, the platform has a built-in smart betting program. This program offers bonuses and credits for buying, selling and storing Nexty. The system is designed for both investors and ordinary users.
The capabilities of Nexty and Nano platforms are enormous. Imagine a world in which cryptocurrency replaces ordinary wallets, and transactions happen quickly! If a retailer accepts BitCoin, it cannot deliver goods and services to you until the transaction is confirmed by several minors. Now imagine that you are paying for goods and services in currency, which quickly translates without transaction fees, regardless of small checks!
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